Definitions of the Trigonometric Functions of an Acute Angle

We already know some properties of a right triangle.

Two angles are called complements of one another if, together, they equal a right triangle. In a right triangle, the two acute angles are complementary.

There's also a corelation between acute angles and sides of the right triangle.

Trigonometric Functions of Angle a

Side a is an opposite catheti, and side b is an adjacent catheti to angle a.

Sine function of angle a is defined as a qotient of opposite catheti and hypotenuse.

Cosine function of angle a is defined as a quotient of adjacent catheti and hypotenuse.

Tangent function of angle a is defined as a quotient of opposite catheti and adjacent catheti.

Cotangent function of angle a is defined as a quotient of adjacent catheti and opposite catheti.

Apart from these four functions, two more ratios can be defined:

Secant function of angle a is defined as a quotient of hypotenuse and opposite catheti.

Cosecant function of angle a is defined as a quotient of hypotenuse and adjacent catheti.

There are three pairs of trigonometric functions that we call cofunctions:

sine and cosine
tangent and cotangent
secant and cosecant


To find out main characteristic of trigonometric functions click here.

Table 1

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